I'm Arlind Voli
Aspiring Full-Stack-Engineer with 6+ years of experience in web and software development.
I help companies develop and engineer applications.
Currently, I focus on developing websites based on React. I use HTML/CSS and JavaScript in the client-side. Server-side I use PHP, Node.js and Java. I have experience in JQuery, React, Spring and AngularJS. When programming non-web-applications I use Java and C#.
Interests: Reading (Currently reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy), Traveling (Planning to visit Japan - recommendations welcome!), Learning Japanese (Could be useful in Japan!) & Football (Heja BVB!)
I get excited about opportunities where I'm able to leverage my software engineering skills to help tech companies to improve their products and to further expand my knowledge whilst in the process of doing so.
I love connecting with new people, you can reach me at contact@arlind-voli.de